Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Olympic birds nest

Cool Olympic birds nest picture. The area around it is odd...not much development as it stayed a big open space for the city.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Mao at the Forbidden City right before the guard on the right yelled at me

Authentic Peking Duck??

Was it more authentic?? Answer no. Tasted just like the good duck houses in Chinatown. Still really good. I have found on this trip many non-eaters so I had quite a bit of the pancakes and skin. So good. Allegedly $50 for the whole duck so I can't even say it was cheaper. But delicious nonetheless....

Temple of Heaven

Picture at the temple of heaven of the Hall for the Prayer of Good Harvest with Pam

Summer Palace

Picture from the lake boat ride at the Summer Palace for the emperor

Friday, September 14, 2012